permaculture design course (PDC): who's it for
Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your age, whatever your background, learning about permaculture will give you a new and inspired way to live within your means and the means of the world. Permaculture Matters is offering a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) - a rich, connected, creative course that is for you! |
permaculture: what's it all about
"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation .... of looking at systems and people in all their functions ..... and of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions." Bill Mollison (2028-2016): researcher, author, scientist, naturalist,
It’s not all about gardening! In our Permaculture Design Course you will:
- learn the foundations of permaculture – ethics and principles, - which provide a framework for living your life ethically and sustainably, and providing the best possible outcome for our grandchildren.
- cover in depth core competencies (reading the landscape, contour mapping, nutrient cycling, patterns in nature, water harvesting and management, community strategies, permaculture design principles) and their practical application.
- complete an individual design, on your “home”, or another place important to you.
- work together in a team to produce a group design of local space.
- increase your understanding of natural patterns and how to use them to create beautiful and resilient systems in your life.
the benefits
- save money! (for example, it cuts down your food costs)
- have a positive impact on your health
- increase the quality of what you eat (organically grown herbs and vegetables are higher in nutrition)
- reduce your carbon footprint, which is a gift not only to you, but also to future generations
- strengthen community
- change the way you see the world
- bring flow and structure to your gardening and your home life
what we offer
Peek into Permaculture Matters - 1 hour free course, giving you a taste of what we do
Upcoming Dates:
Saturday 1 March, 2025 10-11am register here
Saturday 22 March, 2025 10-11am register here
Contact Jen for more information
Upcoming Dates:
Saturday 1 March, 2025 10-11am register here
Saturday 22 March, 2025 10-11am register here
Contact Jen for more information
Juliet Macken, recent participant of Peek into Permaculture says "The was one of the most special hours of my life. Truly, I found the event really inspiring."
Contact Jen for more information
Permaculture Design Course (PDC):
This internationally recognised PDC comprises a total of 72 hours face-to-face tuition, over twelve days
Autumn 2025 Dates
APRIL 4/5/6 & 18/19/20/21 & 25/26/27 MAY 3/4
(8.30am-4.30pm each day)
Cost: Standard rate $1350, concession/unwaged $850.
Early bird, payable by 1 February, 2025, 10% discount: Standard $1215, concession/unwaged $765
10% discount for up front cash payment.
Payment plans available, please enquire.
You will need to complete a minimum of 80%, in order to gain your certificate.
Strongly recommended textbook: Earth Restorers Guide to Permaculture by (local) Rowe Morrow. available for purchase at the start of the course at a cost of $60 cash (RRP $75), which includes $10 contribution towards the scholarship fund.
Contact us for more information or book here
Permaculture Bites
One-off sessions delving into more depth and offering practical application of permaculture principles, e.g. compost building, worm farms, growing seedlings from seed/scratch, waste management,.....
Cost: variable, depending on topic and "size of bite" (length of course).
Upcoming Bites: TBC
Permaculture Design Course (PDC):
This internationally recognised PDC comprises a total of 72 hours face-to-face tuition, over twelve days
Autumn 2025 Dates
APRIL 4/5/6 & 18/19/20/21 & 25/26/27 MAY 3/4
(8.30am-4.30pm each day)
Cost: Standard rate $1350, concession/unwaged $850.
Early bird, payable by 1 February, 2025, 10% discount: Standard $1215, concession/unwaged $765
10% discount for up front cash payment.
Payment plans available, please enquire.
You will need to complete a minimum of 80%, in order to gain your certificate.
Strongly recommended textbook: Earth Restorers Guide to Permaculture by (local) Rowe Morrow. available for purchase at the start of the course at a cost of $60 cash (RRP $75), which includes $10 contribution towards the scholarship fund.
Contact us for more information or book here
Permaculture Bites
One-off sessions delving into more depth and offering practical application of permaculture principles, e.g. compost building, worm farms, growing seedlings from seed/scratch, waste management,.....
Cost: variable, depending on topic and "size of bite" (length of course).
Upcoming Bites: TBC
Permaculture Matters courses are held at the inner space. the inner space is located in an established working permaculture garden - with veggie gardens, orchards, ponds and waterways, native bush areas. Courses will include play/work in Melrose Park and also local site visits..
Permaculture Matters supports Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders, refugee and youth (18-22), through scholarships (up to two scholarships per course). Please ask or contact us to register your interest.